
316 km
Northern: Brand Hwy (NR1), Arrowsmith
Southern: Mitchell Fwy (SR2) and Newcastle St (unnumbered), Northbridge
Suburbs, Towns & Localities Along Route:
North Perth, Joondanna, Yokine, Tuart Hill, Nollamara, Balcatta, Westminster, Balga, Hammersley, Girrawheen, Warwick, Marangaroo, Greenwood, Madeley, Kingsley, Woodvale, Wangara, Pearsal, Hocking, Wanneroo, Sinagra, Ashby, Tapping, Carramar, Nowergup, Carabooda, Yanchep, Wilbinga, Woodridge, Gabbadah, Breton Bay, Ledge Point, Lancelin, Grey, Cervantes, Jurien Bay, Green Head, Leeman, Coolimba, Illawong and Arrowsmith

Route Numbering:

Current: 60
Multiplexed with: 81 83
Road Authority Internal Classification: 1
H035 (Northbridge to Yanchep)
M045 (Yanchep to Arrowsmith)

General Information:

State Route 60 is a major arterial route from the Perth CBD, through Perth's northern suburbs to the northwest coastal towns and villages north of Perth.

The route is a mix of suburban arterial road, divided multi-laned road and single carriageway roadway and passes through mostly commercial, residential and agricultural lands as well as vast tracts of pine plantations and state forests.

Multiplexes along the route include:
State Route 81, for 300 m, Marangaroo.
State Route 83, for 450 km, Madeley.


Wanneroo Road:
1964: Widening of Wanneroo Rd near Cape St at Tuart Hill. 2
May 2003: Anti-skid treatments applied where Wanneroo Road intersects Ocean Reef Road, Beach Road, Morley Drive and Walcott Street. 3
2008: Extension of right turn lanes, construction of double right turn from Wanneroo Rd into Ocean Reef Rd westbound and a double left from Ocean Reef Rd into Wanneroo Rd northbound. Construction of a portion of Woodlake Retreat to form a four-way intersection with Kingsway along with an associated right turn lane on Wanneroo Rd, widening of Kingsway and installation of traffic signals. Extension of right turn lanes and upgrade of pedestrian facilities at the junction of Wanneroo Road / Amelia Street. Extension of right turn lanes at the corner of Wanneroo Rd / Hepburn Av and upgrade of pedestrian facilities. 4
July 2008: Installation of traffic signals and pedestrian crossing facilities and the creation of a four-way intersection to allow a second access into Woodlake Retreat, plus the upgrade of street lights, construction of a left turn pocket out of Kingsway allowing traffic to queue in separate lanes, construction of a right turn pocket on Wanneroo Road into Woodlake Retreat and installation of footpaths, signs and pavement markings. 5
December 2008: Duplication works commenced on Wanneroo Road between Wallawa Street and Joondalup Drive in Ashby and Tapping. 6
October 2018: Construction begins on the interchange at Wanneroo Rd and Joondalup Dr. 7
November 2018: Construction work begins on widening Wanneroo Rd between Joondalup Dr and Flynn Dr. 8
Indian Ocean Drive:
14 March 2008: Stage one of the Indian Ocean Drive was opened, consisting of a $20 m, 10.5 km section starting just south of Lancelin and ending at Ocean Farm Estate. 9 10
19 September 2010: Stage two of Indian Ocean Drive (Lancelin to Cervantes (56km)) was officially opened. 11
July 2010: Upgrade works on a 24 km section of Indian Ocean Drive between Yanchep and Seabird. Work included widening of nearly 24 kilometres of existing bitumen road to nine metres, upgrades to the Gingin Brook Road and Caraban Road intersections, including auxiliary lanes and turning pockets, and construction of a 1.8 kilometre long northbound overtaking lane just north of the Guilderton turnoff. 12
2011: Realignment of a 1.3 km section north of Leeman. 13
2013: Widening of a 9 km section between Green Head and Leeman. Also widening of a 5 km section between Leeman and Eneabba-Coolimba Road and the construction of a sealed parking bay overlooking the Indian Ocean near Knobby Head. 13
2014: Installation of solar-powered street lighting at the Indian Ocean Drive / Brand Highway intersection. 13
June 2015: Construction of a southbound acceleration lane from the Lancelin Road intersection at Indian Ocean Drive, towards KW Road. 14
November 2015: Widening of a 9.3 kilometre section of Indian Ocean Drive, from the Brand Highway to Cliff Head. 13
November 2017: Speed limit reduced from 110 km/h to 100 km/h between Two Rocks and Lancelin. 15
1 WA Government, Main Roads Western Australia, Road Information Mapping System.
2 WA Government, State Records Office of WA, Item 1964-03182-01RO - Roads Dedication Road Widening Of Wanneroo Road Near Cape St Tuart Hill City Of Stirling.
3 WA Government, Media Statements, Anti-skid treatments on Wanneroo Road and Albany Highway, 13 May 2003.
4 Main Roads WA 2007 2008 State Black Spot Program List.
5 WA Government, Media Statements, $1.2 million upgrade set for the Wanneroo Road-Kingsway intersection, 18 July 2008.
6 WA Government, Media Statements, Dual carriageway for Wanneroo Road in Ashby and Tapping, 18 November 2008.
7 WA Government, Main Roads Western Australia, Wanneroo Road and Joondalup Drive Interchange, Project Newsletter, September 2018.
8 WA Government, Main Roads Western Australia, Wanneroo Road Widening, Joondalup to Flynn Drive, Project Newsletter, November 2018.
9 Highway Construction Web Site, Past Projects, Lancelin to Cervantes.
10 Dr Jim Macbeth, Tourism Management at Murdoch University.
11 WA Government, Main Roads Western Australia, Completed Projects, Indian Ocean Drive, Lancelin to Cervantes Stage 2.
12 WA Government, Media Statements, $4 million upgrade for Indian Ocean Drive, 16 July 2010.
13 WA Government, Media Statements, Works to improve safety on Indian Ocean Drive, 13 November 2015.
14 WA Government, Media Statements, Lancelin Road safer for trucks and other drivers, 17 June 2015.
15 WA Government, Main Roads Western Australia, Media Release, Indian Ocean Drive – Speed Limit Reduction To Save Lives, 9 November 2017.