
500 km
Eastern: South Coast Hwy (NR1), Ravensthorpe
Western: Albany Hwy (SR30), Kelmscott
Suburbs, Towns & Localities Along Route:
Kelmscott, Mount Nasura, Roleystone, Karragullen, Lesley, Ashendon, Flint, Westdale, Jelcobine, Brookton, Aldersyde, Kweda, Bulyee, Kunjin, Corrigin, Gorge Rock, Kondinin, Karlgarin, Hyden, Holt Rock, Varley, Lake Camm, Lake King, Mount Madden and Ravensthorpe

Route Numbering:

Current: 40
Multiplexed with: 120
Road Authority Internal Classification: 1

General Information:

SR40 is a single carriageway rural highway connecting Perth with Western Australia's Wheatbelt. It's trafficked by both tourists going to places such as Wave Rock near Hyden and also freight movements.

Multiplexes along the route include:
State Route 120, for 2 km, Brookton.


1998: On going widening works commence between Corrigin and Hyden. 2
May 2004: Completion of highway upgrade between Corrigin and Hyden. 3
June 2005: Completion of repairs to Brookton Highway bridge crossing the Avon River at Brookton. 2
1 WA Government, Main Roads Western Australia, Road Information Mapping System.
2 WA Government, Main Roads Western Australia.
3 Shire of Corrigin.