- Length:
- 403 km
- Termini:
- Northern: Great Eastern Hwy (NH94 / NR1), Causeway (SR5), Canning Hwy (NR1 / SR6), Shepperton Rd (SR30) and Albany Hwy (unnumbered), Victoria Park
- Southern: Chester Pass Road (NR1), South Coast Hwy (NR1), North Road, Hanrahan Road and Albany Hwy (unnumbered), Orana (Albany)
- Suburbs, Towns & Localities Along Route:
- Orana (Albany), McKail, Milpara, Warrenup, Drome, Willyung, Redmond, Gren Valley, Narrikup, Mount Barker, Kendenup, Tenterden, Cranbrook, Tunney, Borderdale, Lumeah, Kojonup, Boscabel, Beaufort River, Arthur River, Williams, Crossman, Dwarda, Bannister, North Bannister, Mount Wells, Mount Cooke, Jarrahdale, Ashendon, Bedfordale, Armadale, Mount Nasura, Kelmscott, Camillo, Gosnells, Maddington, Kenwick, Beckenham, Cannington, Bentley, St James, East Victoria Park and Victoria Park
Route Numbering:
- Current: 30
- Multiplexed with: 107
- Former: 95
- Road Authority Internal Classification: 1
- H001 (Albany to Maddington and Beckenham to Victoria Park)
- H022 (Maddington to Beckenham)
General Information:
State Route 30 is a major route in Western Australia, linking Perth with the southern port town of Albany and passing through Western Australia's Great Southern region and south coast. The route in the Perth metropolitan area and also in Albany is multi-laned, arterial road standard, with it changing outside these areas to 2-lane rural highway standard with occasional overtaking lanes.
Multiplexes along the route include:
- State Route 107, for 1 km, Arthur River.
- 1853: A route from Perth to Albany was first proposed by Lt William Crossman of the Royal Engineers, who examined the feasibility of a possible Perth to Albany routes.
- 11 March 1994: Albany Highway widening from Leach Highway to Nicholson Road completed. 2
- May 1998: Kenwick Link opened. 2
- 2002 to 2004: Installation of audible edge lines and sealing of shoulders. 2
- June 2003: Road surface elevated and pavement rehabilitated, drainage system extended and improvements made to the verge in the Kelmscott area. 3
- 2006: Installation of traffic signals on the corner of Albany Hwy & Burslem Dr at Gosnells and also on the corner Albany Hwy and Paige Road at Armadale. 2
- April 2008: Opening of the roundabout with Muir Hwy at Mt Barker, part of the Mt Barker Northern Bypass. 2
1 WA Government, Main Roads Western Australia, Road Information Mapping System.
2 WA Government, Main Roads Western Australia.
3 WA Government, Department of Planning and Infrastructure.