- Length:
- 25 km
- Termini:
- Eastern: Albany Highway (SR30), Jarrahdale
- Western: Ennis Avenue (NR1) and Dixon Road (unnumbered), Rockingham
- Suburbs, Towns & Localities Along Route:
- Rockingham, Hillman, East Rockingham, Leda, Cooloongup, Baldivis, Oldbury, Mardella, Mundijong and Jarrahdale
Route Numbering:
- Current: 22
- Multiplexed with: 20
- Road Authority Internal Classification: 1
- H009 (Mundijong to Jarrahdale)
General Information:
Located in Perth's outer southern suburbs, State Route 22 is a route that services light industrial, residential, commercial and semi-rural areas.
Multiplexes along the route include:
- State Route 20, for 350 m, Jarrahdale.
- September 2010: Approval of the plans to extend Mundijong Road at Baldivis, which bypassed the dog-leg of SR22 along Baldivis Rd, Kerosene Ln and Mandurah Rd. 2
1 WA Government, Main Roads Western Australia, Road Information Mapping System.
2 WA Government, Ministerial Media Statements, Mundijong Road extension one step closer, 8 September 2010.