- Length:
- 408 km
- Termini:
- Eastern: Brookton Hwy (SR40) and Lake King-Norseman Rd (unnumbered), Lake King
- Western: South Western Hwy (SR20), Roelands
- Suburbs, Towns & Localities Along Route:
- Roelands, Worsley, Allanson, Collie, Shotts, Collie Burn, Buckingham, Muja, Bowelling, Darkan, Bokal, Arthur River, Minding, Wedgecarrup, Wagin, Collanilling, Gundaring, Ballaying, Nippering, Dumbleyung, Moulyinning, North Moulyinning, North Kukerin, Tarin Rock, Neendaling, Lake Grace, South Lake Grace, North Lake Grace, Beenong, Mallee Hill, Buniche, Lake Biddy, South Newdegate, Newdegate, East Newdegate and Lake King
Route Numbering:
- Current: 107
- Multiplexed with: 30 120 355
- Road Authority Internal Classification: 1
- H001 (Arthur River)
- H045 (Roelands to Collie)
- M037 (Collie to Arthur River, Arthur River to Lake King)
General Information:
State Route 107 connects the coast of Western Australia, with the state's coalfields and wheatbelt. The road is generally rural road / rural highway standard and runs in a generally east to west fashion from end to end. The route forms the route 5 part of the official heavy haulage route system in southwestern Western Australia. 2 The route also features the Lake King Causeway at the town of Lake King. It allows motorists to cross 10 kilometres of salt lakes and is the longest WA road built across a salt lake. 3
Multiplexes along the route include:
- State Route 30, for 1 km, Arthur River.
- State Route 120, for 1 km, Wagin.
- Tourist Way 355, for 52 km, between Roelands and Shotts (Collie).
- April 2022: Work commenced on construction of the interchange with Bunbury Outer Ring Road (BORR) at Waterloo, near the roadhouse. 4
- 2024: State Route 107 decommissioned between Bunbury and Roelands, extinguishing the duplex with State Route 20. 5
1 WA Government, Main Roads Western Australia, Road Information Mapping System.
2 WA Government, Main Roads Western Australia.
3 Lake Grace Shire.
4 WA Government, Main Roads Western Australia, Projects & Initiatives, Bunbury Outer Ring Road, Previous Publications, Construction Update, April 2022.
5 WA Government, Main Roads Western Australia, Western Australian State Routes 2024.