- Length:
- 2941 km
- Termini:
- Northern: Great Northern Hwy (NH1 and NH95), Mundabullangana (near Port Hedland)
- Southern: Eyre Hwy (NH1) and Coolgardie-Esperance Hwy (NR94), Norseman
- Suburbs, Towns & Localities Along Route:
- Norseman, Dundas, Salmon Gums, Grass Patch, Scaddan, Gibson, Chadwick (Esperance), Monjingup, Dalyup, Coomabidgup, East Munglinup, Munglinup, Jerdacuttup, Ravensthorpe, West River, Fitzgerald, Jacup, Old Jerramungup, Jerramungup, Gairdner, Boxwood Hill, Wellstead, Mettler, Manypeaks, Kalgan, King River, Willyung, Warrenup and Albany (McKail and Orana), Marbelup, Youngs Springs, Denmark, William Bay, Kentdale, Bow Bridge, Nornalup, Walpole, North Walpole, Crystal Springs, Broke, Shannon, Quinninup, Manjimup, Smith Brook, Diamond Tree, Jardee, Manjimup, Palgarup, Yornup, Bridgetown, Hester Brook, Greenbushes, Balingup, Mullalyup, Kirup, Newlands, Donnybrook, Argyle, Gwindinup, Boyanup, Davenport, Bunbury, East Bunbury, Glen Iris, Picton East, Australind, Brunswick, Leschenault, Binningup, Myalup, Preston Beach, Lake Clifton, Herron, Bouvard, Dawesville, Wannanup, Falcon, Erskine, Halls Head, Dudley Park, Coodanup, Mandurah, Greenfields, Silver Sands, Meadow Springs, San Remo, Madora Bay, Lakelands, Singleton, Golden Bay, Secret Harbour, Karnup, Baldivis, Port Kennedy, Warnbro, Waikiki, Cooloongup, Rockingham, East Rockingham, Kwinana Beach, Naval Base, Henderson, Beeliar, Munster, Spearwood, Yangebup, Bibra Lake, Hamilton Hill, Coolbellup, Hilton, Samson, O'Connor, Willagee, Melville, Myaree, Winthrop, Brentwood, Bateman, Salter Point, Como, South Perth, Victoria Park, Burswood, Lathlain, Rivervale, Belmont, Ascot, Redcliffe, Perth Airport, South Guildford, Guildford, Woodbridge, Midland, Muchea, Chittering, Bambun, Breera, Gingin, Granville, Boonanarring, Beermullah, Red Gully, Regans Ford, Yathroo, Mimegarra, Cataby, Badgingarra, Warradarge, Eneabba, Arrowsmith, Mount Adams, Yardarino, Dongara, Bookara, South Greenough, Greenough, Rudds Gully, Wandina, Tarcoola Beach, Mount Tarcoola, Geraldton, Northampton, Howatharra, Isseka, Northampton, Binnu, Ajana, Galena, Wannoo, Carnarvon, Macleod, Minilya, Lyndon, Yannarie, Nanutarra, Fortescue, Karratha, Roebourne and Mundabullangana (near Port Hedland)
Route Numbering:
- Current: 1
- Multiplexed with: 94 95 2 6 7 10 203 255 259 354 360
- Road Authority Internal Classification: 1
- H002 (Greenfields (Mandurah to Palmyra))
- H004 (Muchea to Geraldton)
- H005 (Victoria Park to Woodbridge)
- H007 (Geraldton to Mundabullangana)
- H006 (Middle Swan to Muchea)
- H008 (Esperance to Albany)
- H009 (Albany to Bunbury)
- H010 (Coolgardie to Esperance)
- H012 (Palmyra to Brentwood)
- H013 (Como to Victoria Park)
- H015 (Brentwood to Como)
- H057 (Bunbury to Lake Clifton)
- M074 (Lake Clifton to Greenfields (Mandurah))
General Information:
National Route 1 is a mostly somewhat coastal route in Western Australia. In some cases it travels quite close to the coast and the Indian and Southern Oceans and at other times it is further inland, but still generally following the coastline.
The quality of the route varies from rural 2 lane highway to multi-lane suburban arterial road and also freeway standard.
Multiplexes along the route include:
- National Highway 94, for 9 km, between South Guildford and Burswood
- National Highway 95, for 39 km, between Middle Swan and Muchea
- State Route 2, for 4 km, between Brentwood and Como
- State Route 6, for 6 km, between Victoria Park and Como
- State Route 7, for 6 km, between Brentwood and Willagee
- State Route 10, for 2 km, between Davenport and East Bunbury.
- State Route 51, for 3 km, between Guildford and Woodbridge.
- Tourist Drive 203, for 17 km, between Guildford and Upper Swan
- Tourist Drive 255, for 2 km, William Bay
- Tourist Drive 259, for 9 km, Diamond Tree to Manjimup
- Tourist Way 354, for 158 km, between Yardarino and Ajana
- Tourist Way 360, for 28 km, between Upper Swan and Muchea
- Coolgardie-Esperance Highway:
- 2000: Work starts on the first stage of an $8.5 million project to upgrade 38 km of Coolgardie Esperance Highway from Scaddan to Gibson, 40 km north of Esperance, to State Highway standard. The work included road reconstruction of 16 km of highway to provide a wider seal and shoulder, and minor improvements to drainage. 2
- February 2000: Widening works on the 40 km stretch of Coolgardie-Esperance Highway between Scaddan and Gibson begin. 3
- March 2010: A new passing lane constructed on the Coolgardie-Esperance Highway, approximately 10 km north of Esperance at Six Mile Hill. 4
- 2015: Works start to widen a three-kilometre stretch of Coolgardie-Esperance Highway, 60 km north of Norseman.The work included widening and sealing the pavement, adding culverts and installing audible edge lining. 5
- South Coast Highway:
- 2002: Realignment of South Coast Highway between Denmark and Walpole, which included replacement of two bridges and construction of an overtaking bulge at the intersection with Parry Beach Road.6
- February 2007: Construction of two 2 km long overtaking lanes on the South Coast Highway west of Munglinup. 7
- April 2007: Intersection of South Coast Highway (Chester Pass Road) and Menang Drive near Albany is opened fully to traffic. 8
- 2008: Construction of overtaking lanes on South Coast Highway at Yerritup, 800 m east of Young River Bridge, and at Munglinup. 9
- January 2008: Widening of South Coast Highway between the BHP Nickel Mine entrance and Munglinup Bridge, east of Ravensthorpe. The widening works increased the existing seal width to 8m, allowing for a 3.5 m-wide traffic lane, plus a 500 mm sealed shoulder. 10
- Work starts on upgrades along Chester Pass Road. Works include widening from approximate six metre wide seal to an eight metre wide seal on an 11 metre formation, which provided two 3.5 metre traffic lanes, a 0.5 metre sealed shoulder and a 1.5 metre unsealed shoulder. The works also involved replacing and improving road drainage structures, improving the road's horizontal and vertical geometry. 11
- 21 December 2015: Upgrade works on South Coast Highway associated with Ravensthorpe Heavy Vehicle Bypass opened to traffic. 12
- May 2017: Work starts of upgrades to the South Coast Highway between Pfeiffer Road Manypeaks towards Cheynes Beach Road Cheynes. Stage 1 works included of highway reconstruction and minor realignment of the 4 kilometre long section of highway. Stage 2 works included the reconstruction and realignment of the 2.5 kilometre section adjacent to the Cheynes Beach Road intersection. The project included a full reconstruction of the road pavement and a major realignment of the existing curve. The bitumen seal width was increased from 6 metres to 9 metres, which provided two traffic lanes, each 3.5 metres wide, plus two 1 metre wide sealed shoulders. 13
- February 2018: Replacement bridge over Phillips River on South Coast Highway opened to traffic, after the previous bridge was washed away in a flood. 14
- South Western Highway & Robertson Drive:
- April 2003: Construction of an overtaking lane on South Western Highway between Balingup and Mullalyup. 15
- February 2004: Upgrades to South Western Highway near Kirup. Work included construction of a northbound overtaking lane south of the Kirup townsite. The overtaking lane was built near the Cundinup-Kirup Road intersection. 16
- 2005: Widening of the seal on various narrow sections of South Western Highway between Donnybrook and Bridgetown, from the width of about 6.8 m to a minimum of 8.0 m. 17
- October 2007: Work commenced on an upgrade of a 1.8 km section of the South West Highway south of Donnybrook. The work involved the construction and realignment of the highway, as well as widening the road to include sealed shoulders. 18
- February 2009: A 1.4 km section of South Western Highway, south of Balingup, was widened at Padbury Hill.13
- November 2009: Widening of a 1.6 km section of South Western Highway, between Balingup and Greenbushes.19
- 18 December 2015: Work commences on the upgrade of a 1.67 km section of the South Western Highway from Marginata Dr to the edge of the Donnybrook town centre. The widening project included the construction of two traffic lanes each 3.5 m wide and a 1.5 m painted median to separate oncoming traffic, 1.5m sealed road shoulder on each side and kerbing, and an extra 1m unsealed shoulder in the areas that were not kerbed, dedicated right turn lanes into Irishtown Road, Marginata Road and Golf Club Access. 20
- October 2018: Upgrade works start on South Western Highway at southeast of the town Balingup. The project included widening and sealing the road to create 3.5 m traffic lanes, with 1.5 m sealed shoulders in the residential area and 2.5 m sealed shoulders south of the creek crossing. Other works included a new one-metre wide painted centre median to the south of the creek crossing, new kerbing, some vegetation clearing to improve sight lines, construction of a cul-de-sac at Roberts Street to remove the hazard caused by poor sight distance at the intersection, installation of road safety barriers, and revegetation. 21
- Forrest Highway:
- 1975: Eelup Rotary constructed at Bunbury. 22
- 1988: Australind Bypass completed. 22
- 30 June 1995: Work started on the extension of dual carriageway from Springhill Road near Binningup to the Myalup turnoff. 23
- 17 June 1996: Two dual carriageway sections, from Harvey to Myalup, and around Glen Iris, opened to traffic. 24
- 1997: Duplication of the Preston section of the Old Coast Road, about 50 kilometres north of Bunbury. 25
- December 1997: Official opening of Australind Bypass duplication. The upgrade duplicated eight kilometres of the Australind Bypass from Millar's Creek to the Brunswick River and completed a continuous 43 km section of dual carriageway north from Bunbury. 26
- 2000: The dual carriageway of Old Coast Road was extended up to Lake Clifton. 27
- September 2009: Completion of construction works for intersection with Forrest Hwy (SR2) and Peppermint Grove Rd at Lake Clifton.
- 26 July 2011: Work started on building a slip lane as part of a $16 million upgrade of Bunbury's Eelup roundabout. 28
- October 2011: Completion of the new slip lane for southbound traffic using Eelup Roundabout, which allows motorists heading south to avoid entering the roundabout. 29
- 18 May 2012: Completion of additional traffic lanes on the Eelup Roundabout. 29
- 21 May 2012: The traffic signals at Eelup Roundabout were switched on, making Eelup the first signalised roundabout in Western Australia. 29
- June 2014: Forrest Highway name extended and as a result of a Landgate decision, now runs from the end of Kwinana Freeway near Mandurah to the Eelup Roundabout in Bunbury, renaming Australind Bypass and one section of Old Coast Road. The decision to rename 57 km of the road was made to clear up confusion caused by the road's three names. 30
- Old Coast Road, Dawesville Bypass, Mandurah Road, Ennis Avenue, Patterson Road, Rockingham Road, Stock Road, Leach Highway, Kwinana Freeway & Canning Highway:
- 1878: Ferry across Peel Inlet at Mandurah discontinued. 31
- 1894: Construction of first bridge over Peel Inlet at Mandurah. 31
- 17 April 1953: Replacement bridge over Peel Inlet at Mandurah opened by then Minister for Works, John Tonkin. The bridge is 184 m long and 6.7 m wide, and the concrete piles used in construction are each 18.3 m long and weigh 10.10 tonnes. 31
- 1969: Old Coast Road seal completed. 22
- 19 July 1979: Kwinana Freeway / Canning interchange including Manning Road Bridge fully operational. 32
- 1986: Mandurah Bypass completed. 22 A new bridge over the estuary opened as part of the bypass. 33
- 1989: A 7.2 kilometre-long second carriageway through Halls Head and Falcon was opened to traffic. 34
- 2000: Construction of the dual carriageway Dawesville Bypass around eastern Dawesville. 27
- July 2001: Opening of Dawesville Bypass. 24
- 2007: Work started on the upgrade of the intersection at Leach Highway and Stock Road in Palmyra. Work included construction of a designated left-turn lane on Stock Road for northbound traffic, construction of double right-turn lanes on Leach Highway for eastbound traffic, upgrading the pedestrian crossing facilities to meet the then current Main Roads WA access and mobility standards and installation of signal mast arms on all approaches. 32
- December 2014: Completion of a second left-turn lane from Grange Drive into Ennis Avenue at Cooloongup. 35
- 1 February 2015: Completion of the upgrade to the intersection of Ennis Avenue with Willmott Drive at Waikiki. This work included a new acceleration lane for traffic turning right out of Willmott Drive onto Ennis Avenue and traffic signals to control Ennis Avenue northbound and southbound, turning right into Willmott Drive and Willmott Drive turning right onto Ennis Avenue. 35
- April 2015: Work commences on upgrades at the corner of Ennis Av and Port Kennedy Dr. The work includes converting the T-junction into a new 'seagull' configuration, with traffic signals controlling all right-turn movements and giving priority to Ennis Avenue traffic. The works also include extending the deceleration lane on Ennis Avenue southbound by 400 m. 36
- June 2015: Completion of the upgrade at the corner of Ennis Av & Port Kennedy Dr at Port Kennedy. 37
- June 2018: Completion of installation of traffic signals at the corner of Leach Hwy and Norma Rd at Booragoon. 38
- Great Eastern Highway & Great Eastern Highway Bypass:
- February 1997: Great Eastern Hwy / Orrong Rd new intersection opened.
- June 1997: Eastern Gateway Project officially opened by the then Premier Richard Court. As part of the works, the Great Eastern Highway had been widened, facilities for pedestrians and cyclists had been upgraded and bus shelters had been improved. Other elements of the project included extensive landscaping, new flowerbeds, lawn areas extended and limestone retaining walls built. 39
- June 2011: Work started on the upgrade of Great Eastern Highway between Kooyong Road and Tonkin Highway to increase capacity and safety. 40
- Great Northern Highway, Brand Highway & North West Coastal Highway:
- 1953: Construction of bridge on Brand Hwy over Greenough River at Greenough, bypassing the convict built Maley bridge. 41
- 1974: Sealing of North West Coastal Highway between Carnarvon and Port Hedland. 42
- 1975: The Brand Highway was completed. 3
- 1976: Brand Highway opened by Premier Charles Court. 3
- 1984: Gingin bypassed on western side of town by the current alignment of the Brand Highway. 3
- December 1994: Completion of realignment of North West Coastal Highway as part of the Barrabiddy Deviation, 140 km north of Carnarvon. 43
- 1995: Cement strengthening and reinforcement work to low lying sections of North West Coastal Highway as part of the Barrabiddy Deviation, 140 km north of Carnarvon. 43
- February 1996: Work commences on new bridge over Chapman River at Geraldton. 44
- 7 March 1997: An 8 km realignment of North West Coastal Highway between Green Street and the Drummond Cove Road and incorporating the new Chapman River Bridge at Geraldton was officially opened by the then Transport Minister Eric Charlton. Work included a new bridge over Chapman River. 44
- February 1998: Work starts on reconstruction and widening of a 2.7 km section of Great Northern Highway from the RAAF Base entrance at Bullsbrook to Rutland Road. 45
- October 2001: Work starts on replacement bridge over the Gascoyne River at Carnarvon to replace the single lane bridge that was built in 1931 from concrete, steel and timber. The works included the construction of a new two-lane bridge with a two-metre wide pedestrian and cycle path, and improvements, including road widening and reconstruction of North West Coastal Highway from south of the Gascoyne River to just north of the Blowholes Road turn-off, a distance of 12.5 km. 46
- September 2004: Work commenced to cyclone damage to the Maitland River Bridge and adjacent sections of North West Coastal Highway, approximately 20 km west of Karratha. The works included construction of relief floodways and improved rock protection for the approach embankments. 47
- 22 December 2004: Brand Highway and North West Coastal Highway interchange opened to all traffic. This work replaced the roundabout at the intersection of Brand Highway, North West Coastal Highway, Cathedral Avenue and Portway on the south entrance to the City of Geraldton.
- 2006: Installation of 53 km of audible edge lines between Dongara and Geraldton and 50 km of shoulder sealing and audible edge lining between Eneabba and Dongara. 48
- April 2006: Completion of a new passing lane 15 km north of Dongara. 48
- June 2006: Construction of a passing lane on Brand Highway at Mt Horner, near the Matsen Road intersection, extension of the existing passing lane on Brand Highway at Pells Bridge, intersection channelisation on Brand Highway at Pells Bridge and improvements to the intersection of McCartney Road and Brand Highway at Greenough. 49
- 2007: Passing lanes constructed 12 km south of Cataby, 40 km north of Gingin and 30 km south of Dongara, near the junction of Indian Ocean Drive. 50 Work starts on a new alignment of North West Coastal Highway through Geraldton as part of the Southern Transport Corridor project. 51
- May 2007: Additional passing lanes completed on Brand Highway near Kailis Drive, and at Eneabba. 52
- June 2007: Two more passing lanes completed on Brand Highway south of Cataby. 52
- July 2008: Completion of a major reconstruction of a 1.7 km section of Great Northern Highway between Apple Street and Shell roadhouse north of West Swan Road in Upper Swan. The 5 month project, included widening of the Highway from 7 metres to 11 metres with the addition of 2 metre sealed shoulders. The works also included a 3 metre wide asphalt surfaced truck bay opposite Ginger's Roadhouse, capable of accommodating up to three B-Double road trains.
- October 2008: Reconstruction of a 1.9 km section of the Great Northern Highway from West Swan Road South to Haddrill Road at Upper Swan.
- March 2009: Widening works commence between Lennard St Herne Hill and the town of Muchea. Other work included adding a median, new street lighting and turning lanes. 55
- November 2010: Construction of 2 overtaking lanes on North West Coastal Highway between Burkett Road and Barradale. 56
- 2012: Upgrade of the intersection of North West Coastal Highway and Speedway Road, Carnarvon. The works included reconstruction and widening of North West Coastal Highway to accommodate turn pockets into Speedway Road, in addition to widening and sealing part of Speedway Road. 57
- 2014: Construction of new bridge over the Greenough River. The bridge is made of steel and concrete bridge and is around 90 metres long, 10 metres wide and around three metres higher than the previous 1953 bridge. 58
- 2 October 2014: The new bridge over Greenough River officially opened to traffic, however it was opened to vehicles in August 2014. 59
- 2015: Strengthening works plus new pavement and barriers on bridge over railway between Dongara town centre and Midlands Rd at Yardarino. 60 Reconstruction, widening and resurfacing on a 107 km section of the North West Coastal Hwy between Mia Mia and Barradale, plus the addition of two passing lanes and two all-weather bridge crossings constructed at Cave Creek and Goodeman Creeks. 61 Bridge works on the North West Coastal Highway, between Carnarvon and Karratha to replace bridge bearings and expansion joints on the bridge over Yannarie River. 62
- November 2015: Completion of widening and resurfacing of approximately 40 km of road north of Minilya, including and replacing old culverts with new culverts. 63
- 2018: Roll out of 3G changeable road conditions signs on the North West Coastal Highway in the Pilbara region. 64
- 23 April 2018: Construction started on a roundabout at the junction of North West Coastal Highway and Hosken St, Bluff Point, in Geraldton. 65
- October 2018: Completion of new roundabout at the corner of North West Coastal Highway and Hosken St, Bluff Point. 65
1 WA Government, Main Roads Western Australia, Road Information Mapping System.
2 WA Government, Media Statements, Works Infrastructure Pty Ltd win contract for Coolgardie-Esperance Highway roadwork, 31 January 2000.
3 WA Government, State Records Office of Western Australia.
4 WA Government, Ministerial Media Statements, $1.6 million Coolgardie-Esperance Highway intersection upgrade, 24 March 2010.
5 WA Government, Media Statements, Goldfields-Esperance road safety improved, 10 February 2015.
6 WA Government, Ministerial Media Statements, $5 million upgrade for South Western Highway, 8 November 2001.
7 WA Government, Ministerial Media Statements, South Coast Highway improvements a boost to local community, 7 February 2007.
8 WA Government, Ministerial Media Statements, Stage one of Albany Ring Road opens to traffic - with a new name, 27 April 2007.
9 WA Government, Media Statements, Another passing lane for South Coast Highway, 31 October 2008.
10 WA Government, Media Statements, South Coast Highway widening under way near Ravensthorpe, 10 January 2008.
11 WA Government, State Government begins Chester Pass Road upgrade, 8 November 2010.
12 WA Government, Media Statements, Ravensthorpe heavy vehicle route complete, 21 December 2015.
13 WA Government, Main Roads Western Australia, Projects, South Coast Highway.
14 WA Government, Media Statements, New Phillips River Bridge open following flood, 14 February 2018.
15 WA Government, Parliament of Western Australia, Parliamentary Questions, Question On Notice No. 2471 asked in the Legislative Assembly on 21 June 2007 by Mr P.D. Omodei.
16 WA Government, Media Statements, Highway upgrade at Kirup improves safety, 9 February 2004.
17 WA Government, Ministerial Media Statements, New overtaking lane for South Western Highway, 4 April 2003.
18 WA Government, South West Highway to be upgraded near Donnybrook, 5 October 2007.
19 WA Government, Ministerial Media Statements, More upgrades planned for South Western Highway, 24 November 2009.
20 WA Government, Main Roads Western Australia, Project Update, South Western Highway, November 2015.
21 WA Government, Main Roads Western Australia, South Western Highway, Balingup.
22 South West Focus Conference, Main Roads WA Linking the South West, May 2007.
23 WA Government, Media Statements, Extension of SW dual carriageway to be constructed this year, 30 June 1995.
24 WA Government, Main Roads Western Australia, Network Changes: Rural, 19 March 2013.
25 WA Government, Media Statements, Consultancy awarded for designing section of Old Coast Road (Preston), 19 January 1996.
26 WA Government, Media Statements, Official opening of Australind Bypass duplication, 18 December 1997.
27 Western Australia Legislative Council, Old Coast Road, Improvements to Ease Traffic Congestion, 9 November 2000.
28 WA Government, Media Statements, Work starts on $16 million Eelup roundabout upgrade, 26 July 2011.
29 WA Government, Main Roads Western Australia, Completed Projects, Eelup Roundabout.
30 Bunbury Herald, Highway now runs to Eelup roundabout, 17 June 2014.
31 WA Government, Heritage Council of Western Australia, inHerit, Mandurah Bridge.
32 WA Government, Media Statements, $1.2 million to improve Leach Highway and Stock Road intersection, 21 August 2007.
33 City of Mandurah, Mandurah Heritage Register, May 2014.
34 Western Roads, Perth to Busselton: Coastal Corridor to the South-West, September 1994.
35 WA Government, Main Roads Western Australia, Completed Projects, Ennis Avenue Intersection Upgrades.
36 WA Government, Main Roads Western Australia, Ennis Avenue-Port Kennedy Drive Intersection Upgrade, April 2015.
37 WA Government, New intersection opens in Port Kennedy, 22 June 2015.
38 WA Government, Main Roads Western Australia, Completed Projects, Leach Highway and Norma Road Intersection Upgrade, 23 July 2018.
39 WA Government, Media Statements, Official opening of Eastern Gateway project, 13 June 1997.
40 WA Government, Media Statements, Works commence on Great Eastern Highway upgrade, 25 June 2011.
41 WA Government, Heritage Council of Western Australia.
42 WA Government, Media Statements, Main Roads East Perth building named Don Aitken Centre, 25 May 1993.
43 WA Government, Media Releases, Contract awarded for strengthening cement across Barabiddy Creek (Gascoyne), 31 August 1995.
44 WA Government, Media Statements, Official opening of 8 km realignment of NW Coastal Hwy at Geraldton, 7 March 1997.
45 WA Government, Media Statements, Main Roads contract awarded to Brierty Contractors to widen Great Northern Highway, 17 February 1998.
46 WA Government, Media Statements, Go-ahead for new Gascoyne Bridge, 28 September 2001.
47 WA Government, Media Statements, Works to repair Maitland River Bridge will start immediately, 9 September 2004.
48 WA Government, Media Statements, Two new passing lanes for Perth to Geraldton highway, 31 May 2006.
49 WA Government, Media Statements, Highway safety works in the Mid-West to be delivered this year, 6 January 2006.
50 WA Government, Ministerial Media Statements, Works progressing on upgrading South Western Highway, 23 November 2005.
51 WA Government, Media Statements, Premier inspects Southern Transport Corridor, 12 August 2005.
52 WA Government, Media Statements, Passing lanes to improve safety on Brand Highway, 19 June 2007.
53 WA Government, Media Statements, Bridge upgrades to make for a safer journey, 12 December 2008.
54 WA Government, Media Statements, Coolgardie-Esperance Highway realignment near Grass Patch to boost safety, 21 July 2008.
55 WA Government, Media Statements, Construction set to commence on Great Northern Highway, 18 February 2009.
56 WA Government, Media Statements, New passing lanes on NW Coastal nearing completion, 19 November 2010.
57 WA Government, Media Statements, Upgrade to North West Coastal Hwy intersection, 1 November 2012.
58 WA Government, Media Statements, New $8.1m bridge for Greenough River, 4 February 2014.
59 WA Government, Media Statements, Media Releases, New bridge a boost for regional highway safety, 2 October 2014.
60 WA Government, Media Statements, Bridge improvements set for Brand Highway, 5 February 2015.
61 WA Government, Media Statements, Construction to start on 107 km upgrade of North West Coastal Highway, 13 February 2015.
62 WA Government, Media Statements, Contract awarded for Yannarie River Bridge, 5 February 2015.
63 WA Government, Main Roads Western Australia, Projects, North West Coastal Highway Widening Minilya to Nanutarra.
64 WA Government, Main Roads Western Australia, Latest News, Rolling out new signs in the Pilbara, 21 December 2018.
65 WA Government, Main Roads Western Australia, Completed Projects, North West Coastal Highway and Hosken Street Intersection, Geraldton, 19 December 2018.