- Length:
- 38 km
- Termini:
- Northern: Mickleham Rd (C739) and Somerton Rd (MR58), Greenvale
- Southern: Queen St (MR41) and Maidstone St (TD11), Altona
- Miscellaneous:
- Declared Names: Maidstone Street, Kororoit Creek Road, Grieve Parade, Princes Highway, McDonald Road, Somerville Road, Maribyrnong-Tottenham Road, Churchill Avenue, Ascot Vale-Keilor Road, Keilor Park Drive, Sharps Road, Melrose Drive and Mickleham Road
- Suburbs, Towns & Localities Along Route:
- Altona, Altona North, Brooklyn, Tottenham, West Footscray, Maidstone, Maribyrnong, Avondale Heights, Keilor East, Keilor Park, Tullamarine, Westmeadows, Attwood and Greenvale
Route Numbering:
- Current: 39
- Multiplexed with: 32 35 38 41 48 56 83
- Former: 1 30 38 40 41 48
- Road Authority Internal Classification: 1
- Arterial 5053 (Tullamarine)
- Arterial 5054 (Keilor East to Tullamarine)
- Arterial 5142 (Brooklyn)
- Arterial 5441 (Tullamarine)
- Arterial 5446 (Altona North to Brooklyn)
- Arterial 5451 (Altona to Altona North)
- Arterial 5458 (Brooklyn to Tottenham)
- Arterial 5459 (West Footscray to Maidstone)
- Arterial 5820 (Tullamarine to Greenvale)
- Arterial 5833 (Altona North)
- Arterial 5864 (Maribyrnong to Keilor East)
- Arterial 5950 (Tottenham to West Footscray and Maidstone to Maribyrnong)
- Arterial 6500 (Brooklyn)
General Information:
Metropolitan Route 39 is in Melbourne's western and northwestern suburbs. It's a mix of divided and undivided roads, passing through residential, commercial, industrial and semi-rural zones.
Multiplexes along the route include:
- Metropolitan Route 32, for 100 m, West Footscray.
- Metropolitan Route 35, for 1 km, Altona.
- Metropolitan Route 38, for 2 km, at Maidstone.
- Metropolitan Route 41, for 700 m, Brooklyn.
- Metropolitan Route 48, for 700 m, Westmeadows.
- Metropolitan Route 56, for 400 m, Altona North.
- Metropolitan Route 83, for 1.6 km, Brooklyn.
- 1989: Introduction of Metropolitan Route 39.2
- 2005-2006: Duplication of Mickleham Road. 3
Advance Directional Sign:
AD sign on the unnumbered segment of Melrose Dr at Tullamarine, approaching the interchange with Western Ring Rd (M80) and the MR39 section of Melrose Dr, November 2005.
Image © Rob Tilley
Advance Directional Sign:
AD sign on Melrose Dr (MR39) approaching Broadmeadows Rd and Mickleham Rd (MR39) at Tullamarine, November 2005.
Image © Rob Tilley
1 VIC Government, Department of Transport and Planning Road Maintenance Category - Road List Version: 2, 29 February 2024.
2 Viseth Uch.
3 VIC Government, Ministerial Media Releases, Next Stage Of Mickleham Road Duplication Announced, 27 April 2006.