C615 trailblazer at Manorina. Image © Paul Rands.
Alphanumeric routes were introduced to Victoria in 1996 as part of the Statewide Route Numbering Scheme. The rollout initially took place in rural Victoria, but alphanumeric route numbering has been slowly introduced throughout metropolitan Melbourne, with the next phase to complete the system underway in 2023.
The letter assigned to each road reflects the quality and function of the route. VicRoads explanation of the alphanumeric system is as follows: 1
- 'M' Routes
'M' roads (duplicated motorways) provide the primary road links that sustain economic and regional development. They connect Melbourne and other capital cities and major provincial centres, and they link major centres of production and manufacturing with Victoria's export terminals. 'M' roads provide a consistent high standard of driving conditions with divided carriageways, four traffic lanes, sealed shoulders and with delineation and linemarking that is easily visible in all weather conditions.
- 'A' Routes
'A' roads serve the same role as 'M' roads but carry less traffic. These roads are usually built as single carriageways. 'A' roads provide a similar consistently high standard of driving conditions on a single carriageway.
- 'B' Routes
'B' roads provide the primary link between major regions not served by 'A' roads, and highly significant tourism regions. They have strategic significance for Victoria. B' roads have sealed pavements wide enough for two traffic lanes, with good centreline and edge linemarking, shoulders and a high standard of guidepost delineation. Additional overtaking lanes are provided on higher traffic volume 'B' roads.
- 'C' Routes
'C' roads provide the more important links between other centres of population, and between these centres and the primary transport network. 'C' roads generally are two lane sealed roads with shoulders.
This page concentrates on alphanumeric routes that have been decommissioned due to the route's importance changing or a route has been renumbered.
To view each gallery, click or tap on a route number or preview image below.
1 Victorian Government, VicRoads, Linking Victoria brochure.