- Length:
- 716 km
- Termini:
- Eastern: Eyre Highway (A1), Lincoln Gap
- Western: Eyre Highway (A1), Ceduna
- Suburbs, Towns & Localities Along Route:
- Lincoln Gap, Cultana, Whyalla, Middleback Range, Midgee, Mitchellville, Cowell, Arno Bay, Port Neill, Lipson, Tumby Bay, Whites River, Louth Bay, Poonindie, North Shields, Tiatukia, Boston, Port Lincoln, Duck Ponds, Hawson, Coomunga, Pearlah, Fountain, Wangary, Coulta, Mount Drummond, Mount Hope, Kiana, Sheringa, Kappawanta, Bramfield, Elliston, Colton, Talia, Venus Bay, Port Kenny, Colley, Mortana, Streaky Bay, Piednippie, Eba Anchorage, Perlubie, Haslam, Smoky Bay, Laura Bay, Merghiny and Ceduna
Route Numbering:
- Current: B100
- Former: 1
- Road Authority Internal Classification: 1
- 02600 (Lincoln Gap to Port Lincoln and Duck Ponds to Ceduna)
- 02415 (Port Lincoln to Duck Ponds)
General Information:
B100 is a rural route on the Eyre Peninsula, linking several port, farming and industrial towns with the Eyre Hwy (A1).
Lincoln Highway:
The Lincoln Highway links Port Lincoln and the east coast of the Eyre Peninsula with Port Augusta. Starting at the Eyre Highway, west of Port Augusta, the highway heads south to the industrial city of Whyalla. From Whyalla, the highway heads southwest, following the east coast of the Eyre Peninsula, eventually entering the prosperous fishing port of Port Lincoln.
Flinders Highway:
The Flinders Highway connects Port Lincoln with Ceduna, via the west coast of the Eyre Peninsula, travelling in a generally northwesterly direction. The highway is named after the explorer Matthew Flinders, who explored this area during the early 19th century.
- February 1978: An old road plough was placed beside the Flinders Highway to mark the sealing of the last stretch of highway between Talia and Streaky Bay, on Eyre Peninsula. The then Transport Minister, Mr Geoff Virgo, officially opened the Highway. 2
- 1998: ALT-NR1 switched to B100 in the change to alphanumeric route numbering, however many ALT-NR1 signs remained along the route.
- March 2003: Roundabout at the corner of Lincoln Hwy (A1), Flinders Hwy (A1 and unnumbered), Light St and Hallett Pl in Port Lincoln resurfaced. 3
- May 2004: Lincoln Highway widening and sealing works completed between Arno Bay and the Lady Kinnaird Monument. 3
1 SA Government, Location SA Map Viewer.
2 SA Government, History Trust of South Australia.
3 Transport SA.