
18 km
Northern: Woolcock St (SR14), Garbutt
Southern: Ross River Dam entrance and Riverway Dr (unnumbered), Kelso
There are no SR93 signs beyond the northbound approach to the Bruce Hwy (A1) interchange at Condon. The southern terminus listed above is the end of the state controlled road outside Ross River Dam.
Suburbs, Towns & Localities Along Route:
Kelso, Rassmussen, Condon, Thuringowa Central, Kirwan, Mount Louisa, Heatley, Vincent, Currajong and Garbutt

Route Numbering:

Current: 93
Road Authority Internal Classification: 1

General Information:

State Route 93 is a route in suburban Townsville, in the Department of Transport and Main Roads Northern maintenance region. The route links the city's southwestern suburbs with the city centre and major arterial routes including the Bruce Hwy (A1).


2007: Road improvements that featured a pedestrian refuge on the northern side of Carthew Street and also kerb extensions, highly visible road markings and signage. 2

Condon to Garbutt


Advance Directional Sign:

Northbound AD sign at Thuringowa Central approaching Hervey Range Rd (SR72), November 2013.

Image © Terry Siva

1 QLD Government, Department of Main Roads and Transport, Northern Road Region Map, November 2022.
2 QLD Government, Media Releases, Thuringowa Drive safer sooner, 18 April 2007.