Road Photos & Information: New South Wales
Route Number   Gwydir Highway (National Route 38) (Decommissioned)


Route Numbering:

General Information:

National Route 38 is a rural highway in northern New South Wales, which connects the north coast with outback NSW. For the most part it's undivided, except in a handful of spots.

It runs parallel with the Gwydir River, and is named after Lord Gwydir by Alan Cunningham who crossed the river at Gravesend in 1827.

Multiplexes along the route include:


To view a section of the route, click inside the relevant box on the map below.

1 Roads & Traffic Authority, Schedule of Classified Roads and State & Regional Roads, January 2011
2 Department of Main Roads, The Roadmakers, A History of Main Roads in New South Wales, ISBN 0 7240 0439 4
3 National Library of Australia, Catalogue, Construction of Jackadgery Bridge, New South Wales, 1959 / Thiess Bros. Pty Ltd.
4 Roads & Traffic Authority, Road activity update, Northern NSW, May 2003

Last updated: 11-Sep-2020 18:25

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