
14 km
Northern: Clarrie Hermes Drive at Casey
Southern: Federal Highway (A23 / M23) and Majura Parkway (M23) at Throsby
Suburbs, Towns & Localities Along Route:
Kenny, Harrison, Throsby, Gungahlin, Forde, Jacka, Amaroo, Moncrieff, Taylor and Casey

Route Numbering:

Current: None

General Information:

Horse Park Drive is a major arterial road in the Gungahlin area, that consists of divided and undivided roadway and passes through residential, rural and parkland areas. It provides primary access to the Federal Highway and via it, the Hume Highway.


February 2004: Completion of the Horse Park Drive construction between Gundaroo Drive and Federal Highway. 1
15 July 2014: Horse Park Drive from Katherine Avenue in Amaroo to Burrumurra Avenue in Casey opened to traffic, connecting to the Barton Highway and Federal Highway. 2
April 2015: Construction work to duplicate Horse Park Drive between Anthony Rolfe Avenue and Well Station Drive commenced. 3
October 2015: Intersection upgrade at the corner of Horse Park Drive and Anthony Rolfe Avenue. 3
June 2016: Completion of the upgrade at the intersection of Horse Park Drive and Anthony Rolfe Avenue. The work included an upgrade to two lanes in each direction for about 100 metres on Horse Park Drive and left-turn slip lanes on all approaches. Road access into the new suburb of Throsby has also been constructed as part of the intersection upgrade work. 4

This page concenrtrates on construction photos of Horse Park Drive

Casey to Throsby


Federal Highway & Majura Parkway Interchange:

Temporary lane arrangements and closed shoulder as part of signal installation and upgrade works associated with construction of Majura Pkwy (M23) at Kenny, January 2015.

Image © Paul Rands

1 ACT Auditor General's Office, Media Release, Performance Audit Report, Road Projects: Fairbairn Avenue Upgrade and Horse Park Drive (Gundaroo Drive to Federal Highway) Project, 24 February 2009
2 ACT Government, Media Releases, Horse Park Drive now complete, 15 July 2014
3 Land Development Agency, Horse Park Drive Upgrades
4 ACT Government, Media Releases, Horse Park Drive/Anthony Rolfe Ave intersection upgrade now complete, 7 June 2016