Border welcome sign at the WA-SA border at Eucla / Border Village. The building behind the sign is the border quarantine inspection station. Image © Kate Pilling.
You've arrived at the road photos and information section that covers Western Australia.
European settlement didn't officially take place in Western Australia until 1826, and on 1 January 1901, Western Australia joined the other Australian states to form a federation. 1
Western Australia covers an area of 2 645 615 square kilometres and the total Western Australian road network is around 174 000 kilometres in length and Main Roads is Western Australia's State road authority is directly responsible for approximately 17 700 kilometres or about 10 percent. 2
In Western Australia, routes are either numbered or not. The numbering system consists of State Routes, National Highways, National Routes and Tourist Drives.
According to Main Roads Western Australia, a route numbering system was established within Western Australia to simplify navigation for drivers in both the urban and country areas, and to aid tourists in search of particularly scenic routes. Each route has a unique number and is identified by distinctive markers placed on existing direction signs or on steel posts strategically placed along the route as a guide to motorists.
This comprehensive State Route system consists of both metropolitan and inter-regional routes. There are 49 State Routes in the metropolitan area and more than 17 in rural areas. Five of the inter-regional routes originate from the metropolitan area.
A State Tourist Drive system has been introduced for drives of significant scenic or historic interest. Eight drives have been signed in the metropolitan area and nineteen drives are in rural areas. 3
To view each gallery, click or tap on a sign or route number below.